Catalyzing New Ventures in the Food and Beverage Industry

Innovate with Smart Solutions for a Sustainable Future

We specialize in driving innovation and growth in the food and beverage industry through corporate venture building. From smart vending solutions to virtual grocery shopping experiences, our dedicated team crafts cutting-edge solutions tailored to address current trends and climate issues. Whether you’re seeking personalized nutrition platforms, alternative protein innovation, circular economy initiatives, or community-driven food hubs, we’re here to turn your ideas into reality.

Venture Building Process

Problem Assessment

1 – 2 weeks

We start by diving deep into the challenges your company faces. Through discovery workshops, research and expert interviews, we uncover areas where innovation can make a difference.

  • discovery workshop 
  • expert interviews


1 – 2 weeks

We explore market trends, analyze competitors, and evaluate industry insights to develop creative business ideas that match your goals. We identify opportunities, leverage competitive advantages, and lay the foundation for your venture’s success. 

  • market trends report
  • competitor analysis
  • ideation workshop


1 – 2 weeks

Once we have promising ideas, we delve into customer needs, market potential, and technical feasibility, shaping ideas into rock-solid value propositions.

  • value prop canvas 
  • customer journey map 
  • market sizing report


2 – 3 weeks 

With validated concepts, we create prototypes. From concept to creation, we specialize in rapid prototyping that brings visions to reality. 

  • product mockups
  • usability testing
  • prototype design & specs

MVP and Market Testing

3 – 6 months

We develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) based on prototype feedback, and with quick iterations based on rapid  “design, build, and learn” loops.  Through testing and iteration in the market with real customer data, we find the right product-market fit, price point and features.

  • MVP development
  • market launch
  • iterative testing and feedback

Scaling Up

6 – 18 months

As your venture gains momentum, we support its expansion. We optimize processes, explore new markets, and foster sustainable growth. 

  • growth strategy & roadmap
  • market expansion plan 
  • hiring strategy

Use Cases

Smart Vending Solutions

Develop intelligent vending solutions that enhance consumer engagement and provide a fully automated, seamless purchase experience.

Virtual Grocery Shopping Experiences

Create immersive and interactive online shopping solutions that cater to the digital consumer, enhancing convenience and driving sales.

Personalized Nutrition Platforms

Leverage big data and AI to offer tailored nutritional advice and products, aligning with consumer demand for health and personalization.

Alternative Protein Innovation

Capitalize on the growing trend towards plant-based diets by developing innovative protein alternatives that cater to health-conscious consumers.

Circular Economy Initiatives

Implement sustainable practices that minimize waste and maximize resource use, positioning your business as a leader in environmental stewardship.

Are You Ready to Build the Future?

Bring your groundbreaking food and beverage ideas to life with Sproutd’s experienced venture building team. Contact us today to explore how we can turn your innovative ideas into profitable ventures.

Learn how we helped 100 top brands gain success